Rewriting Gnosis: 0.4.0 release

What’s the most important thing for storing knowledge? I’d say proper organization of said knowledge, such as with decks for each subject and meaningful tags linking related concepts together across decks, making it easily searchable and accessible. As I started adding more and more notes into gnosis, I found myself wanting to adjust the review algorithm not only for decks but for tags as well. This led me to overhaul the underlying architecture and reimplement key concepts. ...


Gnosis (γνῶσις) First Release

Gnosis (γνῶσις) is a spaced repetition system (SRS) implementation for note taking and self testing, for GNU Emacs. Gnosis does not use flashcard type learning, instead it uses a binary value to rate user input. Meaning you either know the right answer, or you do not, no rating of your own is involved. *Update: Visit this user-manual for updated information on gnosis. Consider this as an just old blog post about my project. ...


yeetube | Emacs Front-End for YouTube (blog)

To learn elisp I decided to work on a project that I’ve felt was missing on the GNU Emacs ecosystem, a direct front-end for YouTube. ...
