Cloudflare Tunnel: Bye Bye VPS Services!

VPS services, the pinnacle of freedom in the digital world! Nothing quite beats the thrill of entrusting your data and services to a mysterious cloud entity, all while relinquishing control over your hardware. And do not forget the joy of relying on a third-party cloud provider for your hosting needs, that may send you a 104K bill for your static site. Who needs to own their hardware anyway? My new setup For the past ~6 months, I have been relying on a VPS service from Ionos, which offers a decent service for it’s price plans, to host this site & my git server, as well as to occasionally port forward media services such as jellyfin using an ssh tunnel. This weekend, I opted to migrate to an old thinkpad that I had collecting dust plus cloudflare tunnel. ...

2024/03/10 · Thanos Apollo