I’ve just published a short video covering the basics of RSS, RSS-Bridge & Elfeed, it’s currently available on YouTube.

Video notes

What is RSS?

  • XML-based web feed that allows users to access updates of websites, without “visiting” the website.
  • Hacktivist including Aaron Swartz contributed to the development of RSS

Why use it?

  • Having total control over information you consume
    • Filter/Prioritize content from various sources
    • Bypass algorithms
    • Ad-free reading
  • Offline Access
  • Time saving
  • Allows creation of a personalized & decentralized information hub

(+ Emacs RSS) ;; => ’elfeed

No matter what RSS reader you choose, they all get the same job done

  • Elfeed is a simple & highly customizable RSS client for Emacs
    • Developed by Christopher Wellons (skeeto)
  • It has a well designed database & tagging system

use-package installation example:

(use-package elfeed
  :vc (:url "https://github.com/skeeto/elfeed") ;; vc option is available on Emacs 30
  (setf elfeed-search-filter "@1-week-ago +unread"
        browse-url-browser-function #'browse-url-default-browser
        elfeed-db-directory (locate-user-emacs-file "elfeed-db"))
  ;; Feeds Example
  (setf elfeed-feeds
           hackaday linux)))

  ;; Play videos from elfeed
  (defun elfeed-mpv (&optional use-generic-p)
    "Play video link with mpv."
    (interactive "P")
    (let ((entries (elfeed-search-selected)))
      (cl-loop for entry in entries
               do (elfeed-untag entry 'unread)
               when (elfeed-entry-link entry)
               do (start-process-shell-command "elfeed-video" nil (format "mpv \"%s\"" it)))
      (mapc #'elfeed-search-update-entry entries)
      (unless (use-region-p) (forward-line))))

  :bind (("C-x f" . elfeed)
         :map elfeed-search-mode-map
         ("v" . 'elfeed-mpv)
         ("U" . 'elfeed-update)))

What to do with websites that do not provide an RSS feed?

  • Utilize rss-bridge to generate one.
  • RSS Bridge is easy to self host using docker

Example guix service:

(service oci-container-service-type
           (image "rssbridge/rss-bridge")
           (network "host")
            '(("3000" . "80"))))))