Emacs Email Management | Setup Guide for mu4e & isync

Email, hate it or love it, we all have to deal with it. Thankfully, thanks to Emacs & mu4e you can have a productive and, dare I say, fun time working with emails. About In this guide I will guide you through setting up mu4e with multiple accounts, using isync & mu, as well as the basics of how to incorporate mu4e into your workflow, plus tips & tricks like using mu4e actions to apply git patches. ...


Gnosis (γνῶσις) First Release

Gnosis (γνῶσις) is a spaced repetition system (SRS) implementation for note taking and self testing, for GNU Emacs. Gnosis does not use flashcard type learning, instead it uses a binary value to rate user input. Meaning you either know the right answer, or you do not, no rating of your own is involved. *Update: Visit this user-manual for updated information on gnosis. Consider this as an just old blog post about my project. ...


Spaced Repetition Software Gripes

In this post I’m essentially publicizing my notes on spaced repetition software, and announcing that I’m working on gnosis, a spaced repetition learning extension/package for GNU Emacs. I should also note that I consider Spaced Repetition to be a cheat code for learning, that should be used by every student. ...


Switching To Gentoo Linux

I’ve leveled up to become a Gentoo user, the most elite nerd species in GNU/Linux Land. All my devices have been transformed into Gentoo machines, and needless to say, I’m ecstatic about it. Disclaimer: This post contains a healthy amount of sarcasm, just in case you didn’t catch on. ...


Why we need more .org sites.

Today’s web needs more .org sites. I’m changing this site’s extension to thanosapollo.org from .com. ...
