org-gnosis | Roam-like note taking system

org-roam was my preferred tool for note taking & journaling, but since it’s author seems to have stepped down & it’s implementation is quite different from how I’d approach making a zettelkasten for Emacs, I decided to start working on a new package, named org-gnosis. Goals of this project The primary objective is to achieve full compatibility with existing org-roam notes while resolving current database implementation issues. These goals were met successfully on the first day of development. ...


RSS Mastery with RSS-Bridge & Elfeed [Video]

I’ve just published a short video covering the basics of RSS, RSS-Bridge & Elfeed, it’s currently available on YouTube. Video notes What is RSS? XML-based web feed that allows users to access updates of websites, without “visiting” the website. Hacktivist including Aaron Swartz contributed to the development of RSS Why use it? Having total control over information you consume Filter/Prioritize content from various sources Bypass algorithms Ad-free reading Offline Access Time saving Allows creation of a personalized & decentralized information hub (+ Emacs RSS) ;; => ’elfeed No matter what RSS reader you choose, they all get the same job done ...


Why I Prefer VC Over Magit [Video]

I’ve just uploaded a short video on why I prefer VC over Magit, alongside a quick demo workflow with VC. The video is available on youtube here.


Rewriting Gnosis: 0.4.0 release

What’s the most important thing for storing knowledge? I’d say proper organization of said knowledge, such as with decks for each subject and meaningful tags linking related concepts together across decks, making it easily searchable and accessible. As I started adding more and more notes into gnosis, I found myself wanting to adjust the review algorithm not only for decks but for tags as well. This led me to overhaul the underlying architecture and reimplement key concepts. ...


Penicillins Presentation Summarized

A summarized version of my presentation on penicillins for my pharmacology course. Penicillins are β-lactams antibacterial drugs that inhibit bacterial cell wall synthesis, thus categorized as bactericidal. History Discovered by Alexander Fleming, in 1928. Accidentally observed that staphylococci did not grow around the mold of Penicillium rubens. However, it wasn’t until 1941 the Australian pathologist Howard Florey and German-born British biochemist Ernst Boris Chain successfully developed a method to produce a pure form of penicillin on a large scale. This breakthrough eventually led to mass production, with penicillin becoming widely available by the end of World War II. ...

2024/06/12 · Thanos Apollo