Emacs As Your Terminal Emulator [Video]
Just published a short video on Emacs shell interactions, which you can view here. The following content is the video notes showcased in the video. Emacs offers an enhanced experience for interacting with shell tools & may be the most extensible terminal emulator available. Provides seamless integration between shell tools & editing capabilities. Using shell commands from within a buffer shell-command M-! CMD <RET> Run the shell command CMD and display the output. async-shell-command M-& CMD <RET> Run the shell command CMD asynchronously, and display the output shell-command-on-region M-| CMD <RET> Run the shell command CMD with region contents as input; optionally replace the region with the output Emacs as a Terminal Emulator Shell M-x shell A subshell with input and output through an Emacs buffer. You can then give commands interactively. My configuration (use-package shell :defer t :config (defun thanos/shell (n) "Create or switch to a shell buffer." (interactive "P") (let* ((num (if n (prefix-numeric-value n) nil)) (buf-name (if num (format "*shell<%d>*" num) "*shell*"))) (shell buf-name))) :bind (("C-c v" . thanos/shell) :map shell-mode-map ("C-l" . 'comint-clear-buffer)) :hook ((shell-mode . (lambda () (display-line-numbers-mode -1))))) ...