Emacs Note Taking & Journaling using org-gnosis [Video]

Just posted a video with a topic: Emacs Note Taking & Journaling with org-gnosis, which you can view on this YouTube link. Video notes Org Gnosis Overview Org Gnosis Organization of Gnosis (Knowledge) Org Gnosis a a minimal org-mode parsing tool that organizes the data of your notes as atomic nodes in an sqlite database. Org Gnosis provides a roam-like workflow, akin to Roam Research, Logseq and org-roam, with support for journaling. In org-gnosis there are 2 types of nodes, gnosis nodes & journal nodes. ...


Emacs As Your Terminal Emulator [Video]

Just published a short video on Emacs shell interactions, which you can view here. The following content is the video notes showcased in the video. ...


Progress update on org-gnosis & a graphical interface addition.

I’ve been working on a “roam-like” note taking system, to replace & update my current org-roam workflow. This post is a minor update on the current state of it’s development. ...


Emacs 30 Built-in Completion UI & Styles [Video]

I just uploaded a short video about Emacs 30 Built-in Completion UI & Styles, which you have find here. Video notes: When referring to “Emacs Completions”, I refer to Completion Styles & UI I’ve often relied on third-party packages to emulate features from other text editors. For instance, I’ve long used vertico, corfu and orderless. While I still recommend these packages, I became curious about using Emacs without depending on third-party options. My current setup tries to emulate my workflow with the packages mentioned above. The catalyst that pushed me to try the built-in completion is the addition of completion-preview-mode in Emacs 30. Mini-buffer completions Emacs does not enable “vertical” completions for the mini-buffer by default, but you can enable fido-vertical-mode which comes built-in with Emacs. fido-mode is an enhanced icomplete-mode that emulates ido-mode, also referred to as fake ido-mode. Completion Styles Changing completion-styles example: (setf completion-styles '(basic flex)) There is a plethora of completion styles, builtin styles include flex, which provides “fuzzy” completions. Completion UI & Code completions Emacs built-in completions have a distinctive approach. Instead of displaying a popup at point, a new Completions buffer appears when invoking completion-at-point. Example configuration: ...


org-gnosis | Roam-like note taking system

org-roam was my preferred tool for note taking & journaling, but since it’s author seems to have stepped down & it’s implementation is quite different from how I’d approach making a zettelkasten for Emacs, I decided to start working on a new package, named org-gnosis. Goals of this project The primary objective is to achieve full compatibility with existing org-roam notes while resolving current database implementation issues. These goals were met successfully on the first day of development. ...
