GNU Emacs Spaced Repetition System for note taking and self testing.
Git repositories:
Gnosis (γνῶσις) is a spaced repetition system designed to enhance memory retention through active recall. It uses a Q&A format, with each note comprising a question, answer, and explanation. Notes are reviewed at optimally spaced intervals determined by the user’s recall success or failure. Writing out answers during reviews fosters deeper understanding and significantly improves memory retention.
Gnosis algorithm is highly adjustable, allowing users to set specific values not just for note decks but for tags as well.
Currently supported note types:
- Cloze Support for multiple clozes included
- MC-Cloze Multiple Choice Cloze
- Basic
- Double
- y-or-n
Basic note review
Basic note answer evaluation
Cloze note type review
Cloze note answer evaluation
Gnosis is available via NonGNU ELPA, MELPA & GNU Guix
Example using use-package
(use-package gnosis
:ensure t
:bind (("C-c g" . gnosis-dashboard)))
After installing gnosis, it’s recommended to try out the demo by running
M-x gnosis-demo